Discover neccessary services for your plants
Our marketplace connects new & experienced gardeners, growers, plant owners & organizations to local plant services.
Explore local plant services
Garden Layout, Interior Plantscape, Exterior Plantscape
Grow Tents, Grow Lights, Indoor Hydroponic Systems
Planting, Soil, Raised Beds, Sheds, Fencing, Irrigation, Hose Faucets, Greenhouses, Outdoor Hydroponic Systems
Weeding, Pruning, Mulching, Watering, Composting, Cleaning, Harvesting, Fertilizing, Repotting
Disease Diagnosis & Treatment, Checkups, Pest Removal
Community Gardens Advisors, Hobbyist Garden Advisors, Indoor Plant Advisors, Urban Agriculture Advisors
Edible Garden, Non Edible Garden

Join as a Plant Service Provider
Plant service providers play a major role in helping GrwCare achieve and scale our mission to connect people and organizations with the necessary plant services that enable them to thrive while preparing, growing and maintaining plants.
If you're interested in becoming a plant service provider, click on the get started button to submit an application.